
Supplemental Provision:
Each month, CSFP participants receive one 25-30-pound box of shelf-stable groceries valued at $60-$70, and a 2-pound block of commodity cheese to supplement their diets. Items include cereal, canned fruits and vegetables, canned animal proteins, additional protein items such as dry beans and peanut butter, grains, liquid milk, and dry milk on alternating months.
Each item provided to CSFP clients is intended to be a
healthy addition to meals they prepare at home when
other food sources are running low.
Options for Homebound Seniors:
Seniors who are homebound have the option to assign a friend, family member, or care-taker to serve as a helper (called a proxy) to collect their food box on a monthly basis.



what you need to know about
eligibility requirements
All the
forms will
be provided,
but you may
or print an
Form here
if you want
to see the
in advance.

If you are unable to pick up your food in person,
you may send someone to pick it up for you.
They will need to bring their I. D. with them
as well as a completed proxy form.
The High Plains Food Bank will also accept a handwritten note with your signature instead of the proxy form.

or Print a
Proxy Form
The Commodity Supplemental Food Program
is run by the High Plains Food Bank for the
USDA and the Texas Department of Agriculture.
It is not a part of the Childress Food Pantry and you do not
have to be a member of the Food Pantry to participate.
If you are a member of the Food Pantry and meet the CSFP eligibility guidelines, you may also apply for commodities.
The Food Pantry warehouse at 1310 Avenue H, NW
(facing 14th Street between Avenue H and I)
is the host location for the High Plains Food Bank's
monthly distribution of commodities, but the Food Pantry and the HPFB/CSFP programs are independent of each other.